Everyone wants to live a good life. Even when we can’t articulate what we want it to entail most times. We have the assumption that we’d know it when we see it.
Most times, the life we want looks good because we don’t have a backstage view. We give it this easy or simplistic explanation. We tend to ignore the hard work to arrive there and remain there.
The universe is ruled by entropy. That is, there is a lack of order or predictability to it. Therefore there is a gradual decline into disorder.
Think of the world as a garden. It takes effort to maintain the garden. One has to water the flowers, weed out the weeds, cut the unwanted edges etc. However, if you leave it without attending to it, weeds will overrun the garden and in no time will it become something unpleasant to the eyes.
Similarly, to attain and maintain a good life- whatever your definition of a good life is - one must consciously and continuously put in effort to do so.
An unarguable aspect of having a good life is good financials. To achieve this, one has to earn enough to save and invest and cultivate good financial habits such as budgeting and frugality.
To earn, one has to be valuable to the marketplace. This involves having skills and putting them into use. To do so, one has to invest in themselves.
Investing in yourself is also similar to the garden analogy. You learn and cultivate yourself. This is a lifelong journey. Anything other than that will most likely result in not so good ways.